
Repentance, The Response To Grace

A worshiper at a Navy chapel commented, “My favourite part of the worship service is the ‘assurance of pardon’, then I know I’m good to go for the next week”. A weekly re­minder of God’s grace inspires him to continue living for Christ! As Paul warns though, it is important that we do not take […]


God’s Forbearance Leads To our Repentance

Today’s Verse reveals how we and others come to repentance. It’s all because of God’s kindness. But too often we assume that the threat of judgment is what leads to repentance. “If only we can show people how bad they are, then they will be sorry”, we think. Or perhaps if we can show them the […]


Genuine Repentance

We all want to be more like Jesus. Therefore, we make resolutions asking Him to help us, and try to behave differently. Yet despite our best efforts to do things God’s way, we slide back into old habits. Frustrated, we may ask Him, “Why can’t I change?”. The reason is, overcoming sinful attitudes and behaviours starts […]


What Is Your Bathsheba?

“One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof, he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, “She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the […]


Men, We Must Do Better

Brothers, we must lay aside our differences and find a way to reconcile with one another. It’s time to stop letting people use religion as a tool to divide instead of unite. As Christian men, we must forgive a lot quicker those who have wronged us. Letting go of the idea of getting back or making someone […]


My Brother, God Knows…

My brother, I know you haven’t forgotten. The pain is too fresh for it to fade to the back of your memory. In fact, that same pain may be present as you read this. Life’s pressures just don’t seem to let up. Almost as if they alternate to ensure that on any given day you […]


The Gloves Are Off

‘The gloves are off’ suggest that enough is enough. It’s time to draw the line in the sand. I’m no longer fighting the devil in the physical. It’s all about allowing God to fight for me. Yes, the devil is on attack and he will not let up until you and your family are destroyed. As […]


Breaking News Part 5: Anointing Brings Power, Courage and Ability

Not only has God equipped you, but He is also working in you. He has already lined up everything you need to live a victorious life. You were created to excel! Greatness is inside of you. Don’t settle where you are. Have the attitude, “I am anointed. I can accomplish my dreams. I can overcome any […]


Breaking News Part 4: You Are Anointed with Joy

Psalm 45 has been called a ‘King’s Wedding Song’. It brims with royal pageantry and wedding imagery. The bridegroom here is a King of God’s people, preparing to marry the one he loves. This Psalm was probably used at many royal weddings in ancient Israel. Later in Israel’s history, this Psalm came to be seen […]


Breaking News Part 3: You Have an Anointing

Some years ago, without my knowledge, I was given a counterfeit 20 pound note. I didn’t realise it until the lady at the check-out eyed me suspiciously because it wasn’t the real thing. Thankfully, I wasn’t charged with a crime. But for a short time, I felt caught between the forces of truth and evil. […]


Break News Part 2: The Anointing Brings Prosperity

In the ancient world, anointing a person with oil had several meanings. It was used to symbolize that a person was chosen by God. Anointing a person with oil was a sign of God’s approval. People were anointed as an act of sanctification, to make one holy. Early Christians were encouraged to pray and anoint […]


Breaking News Part 1: The Anointing Destroys The Yoke

In today’s verse, Isaiah the prophet, brought some exceptionally good breaking news to King Hezekiah. King Sennacherib of Assyria had set his sights on Judah. He captured her cities, demanded exorbitant tributes, and mocked the God they served. In desperation, King Hezekiah went to the Temple to seek the Lord’s assistance. Scripture says God sent […]


The Love of Jesus: A Divine Embrace

The love of Jesus is a central theme in Christianity, resonating through the hearts of millions of believers around the world. This divine love, often described as unconditional, sacrificial, and boundless, is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Let’s delve into the profound depths of Jesus’ love and how it continues to impact lives today. […]


The Love of Jesus: A Divine Embrace

The love of Jesus is a central theme in Christianity, resonating through the hearts of millions of believers around the world. This divine love, often described as unconditional, sacrificial, and boundless, is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Let’s delve into the profound depths of Jesus’ love and how it continues to impact lives today. […]


Your Faith Can Turn Things Around

Life is full of highs and lows, twists and turns, and ups and downs. But did you know that everything you’ve been through up until now is preparing you for what God is going to do with you and for you? No trial, challenge or difficulty you’ve been through has been wasted. Every disappointment, setback, […]


Living Faith

When the Bible tells us about a great man or woman of faith, the Lord in His kindness also often shows us the person’s weakness and failings. For example, let’s look at Abraham. Like any one of us, he had faults. He sinned. He made mistakes.  Still, God loved him and accomplished great things through […]