
Two Ways To Handle Your Worries

You’ll be much more effective when you put your time and energy into the things you can control.

Worries are a normal part of life we all deal with. There are present situations or potentially brewing events that can legitimately disturb and agitate us. It is a blessing to know that as a child of God, these worries need not lead to debilitating fear or loss of joy and happiness. Following are two ways to handle worries:

1. In the matter of provisions, pray.

Phil 4:19 is a promise that God will meet our needs- the essentials of life. It can be hard for those in an  impoverished state to understand and trust this promise but God’s Word says so. It doesn’t guarantee that we won’t face hunger and a lack of necessities. The apostle Paul himself recounted instances wherein he faced hardship and loss of physical provisions but he also recounted stories of the many times God showed up to ease burdens and bring relief. He was burdened, yes; but he also found relief.

In an earlier verse (verse 6) Paul reminds us to “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” It is worth highlighting the phrase with thanksgiving. Believers must remember to maintain a heart of thankfulness at all times. Job is an inspiring testimony about thankfulness. In his book of account, he shares the following:

(a.) “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” (Job 1:21)

(b;) “ Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?”(Job 2:10)

2. In the matter of physical wellbeing and safety, trust.

Sickness and danger are valid concerns. When something befalls us, faith may be shaken. When things don’t look good, we may doubt the God who lovingly watches over us. Remember to continue to trust. Death has always been a sure end. Physical degeneration is a natural occurrence. Our physical life on earth right now is temporary. The eternal life hereafter is what’s permanent and lasting.

David inspires us in Psalm 23 to fear no evil even in the midst of danger and death. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (v.4) God will be there at the threshold. His comfort will ease us into eternity.

Scriptures also teach us that we are here for a definite period of time, a period God in all wisdom has appointed for us. “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (Psalm 139:16). To a child yielded to God’s will and purpose, there is no dying before one’s time.   We are here while our purposes remain unfulfilled. When we’ve accomplished what God would have us do, He will welcome us into eternity.  

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By Ana Menez

I serve with a training & equipping organization. I am also a freelance writer and I take great interest in writing and sharing growth resources. Reading is one of my great loves. I love it for all its fresh insights and points of view that help as I consider issues relevant to my faith life.

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