
The Benefits of Adding Gratitude to Your Attitude

Expressing gratitude can make you a happier person, but there are advantages beyond happiness. Adding gratitude to your attitude can improve your relationships, productivity, health, and even your sleep.

Tuesdays are usually an easy day for a Gratitude Attitude.  I get to see the Grands. How easy is that for Gratitude? I get to listen to the Grands babble all the way home about the wonders of the day. I get to teach the Grands piano. Every good boy does find  face! I get to be torn a half-a-dozen different ways as the Grands want me to see new favorite things or the new favorite power ranger on a poster or favorite American Girl doll (and accessories) in the Christmas catalog or the new chicken coop or the new addition to the clubhouse (that they made all by themselves).


After piano lessons (and an impromptu composition by the Grandson that made this Grandma’s heart glad), while the Grandson was busy getting ready to go to the first practice of a new basketball team with Coach Dada and Sis, Granddaughter snuck me away to show off the new excitement outside. Chicken coop – check. Addition of a second floor to their stylin’ clubhouse – check. Conversation on the narrow, leaf-strewn, stump-laden path – priceless.

Grandma, you sure do walk slow.”

“Yep. Old creaky, knees slow me down a bit.”

“Wow, I’m waiting and you still are behind me.”

“Don’t get smart, kid. I can only go as fast as the shovel.”

The shovel was my makeshift walking stick. It actually worked pretty well. But the best thing was Granddaughter turning around – waiting for me. At least three times on our short walk, she turned back to look at me with her smile in her eyes, her legs sticking through the giant holes in the knees of her pants – leaving her pant legs flapping in the wind at the back of her legs as she ran ahead of me in her polka-dotted rain boots.

“I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” ~ Isaiah 45:3

It is the way of the best memories in this life. A simple day. A simple walk. A simple expression of love. A simple priceless treasure chest memory.

It is good on days like these to do a little  “pondering”. To think about those riches we store away in our treasure chest. It is part of the Gratitude Attitude. Ponder. Wonder. Walk forward on that crazy path with a shovel as your staff and laughing in joy with the  “Child”  who is truly leading you.

Gratitude is like that. It is all about the Attitude. Can you see Him? The lamb and the lion by His side? It is knowing He is there. Knowing that He is waiting for your slower steps to catch up. Joy in His eyes. Prayer shawl around His shoulders. Ready to take the shovel when it isn’t needed any more and that smile that smile in His eyes just for you.

Praise God: It’s Good for You!

It is all in the One leading the way down that path. The riches we gather on our way that have been stored in secret places just waiting for us to arrive  – a gift from Him to all who choose to follow. Hearing Him call our name. Now that truly is the Gratitude Attitude that governs my life. Blessings! Be!

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.”  ~ Romans 8:14

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By Nyrb

Where do you start to describe yourself? Mother Teresa said, "Each of us feels that we are just a drop in the ocean but the ocean would be less without that missing drop." I am a drop - just as polluted and pure as the rest of you reading this...a daughter of El, a wife, a mother/grandmother, a teacher, a student, a dreamer, a musician, an actress, a keeper of memories...and probably more or less in a variety of ways.

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