
Christians Seen as ‘Dangerous and Offensive’ Says Former Liberal Democrat Leader

If you actively hold a faith that is more than an expression of cultural identity, you are deemed far worse than eccentric. You are risk to society, says Tim Farron

December 04, 2017 – Today Christians in Britain are seen as both “dangerous and offensive”, according to Tim Farron,  an evangelical Christian and former Lib Dem leader who recently resigned saying it was impossible to be both true Christian and a political leader.

“The former Lib Dem leader is to argue that faith lies at the core of liberal values in an  annual lecture of the religious think-tank Theos.”

In a speech to be delivered on Tuesday, Farron will say:

“If you actively hold a faith that is more than an expression of cultural identity you are deemed to be far worse than eccentric. You are dangerous. You are offensive.”

In prepared remarks, he will also tell the think thank that Christianity and its values are at the heart of liberalism.

Scrutiny of his religious beliefs persisted during this year’s election campaign where he was repeatedly asked in media interviews to clarify his views on whether homosexuality is sinful.  

This question first arose two years ago during an interview on Channel 4 News, to which Faroon replied: “We are all sinners.”    The media questioning then intensified during the general election campaign earlier this year until he eventually stated that he did not believe gay sex was sinful.

He also faced questions about an article he had written over six years earlier in which he said abortion was “a sin”, but recanted of that view during the election campaign.

Mr Farron says “People talk about shared values today. But when they do, what they mean is these are my values – and I am going to act as though they are also yours, and will demonstrate contempt for you if you depart from them.”

He argues that given this diversity, the only way to hold society together is through ‘real’ liberalism that accepts religious differences.

“Liberalism has eaten itself because it has eaten the very world view that gave birth to it, that made it possible, and which makes it possible,” he will say.

“So I knew that stepping down was the only thing to do,” he added. “I was right to do it. I don’t regret it.”


Media Headlines

Christians are deemed ‘dangerous and offensive’ says Tim Farron –

Christians are deemed to be dangerous, says Tim Farron – The Guardian

Christians are deemed ‘dangerous and offensive’, says former – Catholic Herald Online

Tim Farron: Christianity is seen as dangerous – BBC News

UK Politician: Christians Seen as ‘Dangerous and Offensive’ – CBN News

Lib Dem leader defends record on LGBT rights, but says ‘I’ve already answered that’ when asked repeatedly by radio caller  – The Guardian

Mr Farron criticised social media too, saying it had been “naive” to think a decade ago the medium would lead to a “greater democracy”.

Genuine Christianity, he said, “has always has been countercultural. It will always go against the norms of the day,” which makes it unbearable for the guardians of secular orthodoxy. Christians will have to battle against “inevitable disdain.”

“But Christianity rebukes both sides: don’t judge, show kindness, show gentleness, show patience – especially to those who don’t deserve it.”

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