
The Steps That Lead to Nowhere

Our family just loves to visit abandoned places. Our son is especially into this, so we go on hikes with him to see these places. We have a few really interesting ones right nearby our home. He studies up on the History of the places and tells us about them as we explore. It’s so intriguing to visit where others once have trod, long ago. You can almost hear the echoes of voices, calling from room to room. The places seem to brighten when we walk in, almost glad someone has remembered them, and come to wander awhile. It’s like the walls are aching with stories to tell.One of the most interesting places, is fenced off and we cannot gain access, nor should we, as it is the ruins of an old missile site. But as you peer through the fence, you can see a set of steps that lead to Nowhere. Just steps where a building used to be. The building was torn down, yet the steps remain. This reminded me of how important it is for us to take inventory of just what we are investing our time in. Do we have any steps that lead to Nowhere, in our own lives? Do we have any ruins that have long since collapsed, and yet we visit the site of those ruins, and climb the steps to Nowhere. The pain rushes back in, the scars throb, the wounds pulsate with reminders of what was, or what could have been.

There’s a quote I read on the site GODINTEREST, that says:

“Leave behind the past because nothing is going to change there and the more you keep looking back the more you’ll fail to see what’s in front of you.”

There is nothing wrong with reflection, but looking back too often is like climbing those steps that lead to Nowhere. I love where the quote says, “Nothing is going to change there.” So true, and I also believe that “the more you keep looking back the more you’ll fail to see what’s in front of you.” God is calling us forward, Hear His Call:

“Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.(Isaiah 43:19 NASB) “I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another,  Nor My praise to graven images.9  “Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim  them  to you.”  

Sing to the Lord a new song, sing  His praise from the end of the earth!  (Isaiah 42:8-10 NASB) We can often paralyze ourselves with regrets and “if only’s.” By the power of Jesus, you can set yourself free. Through His grace, love, and forgiveness, you can walk away from these past things that still draw you up the steps that lead to Nowhere. Stop climbing those steps, and move onward and upward. Move closer to the Lord who loves you, redeems you, and promises to work all things together for Good, to those who love Him and trust His purpose for their lives. (Romans 8:28)

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By Carole L Haines

Carole has been an online inspirational blogger for over three years, but has been writing for her entire life. When she is not writing she works as a teacher’s assistant part-time, and is also a certified Chaplain, having been trained in various areas of crisis recovery. She currently resides in Maryland with her husband Bruce of 31 years. They have raised three wonderful children together, and are constantly rescuing cats and dogs and bringing them into their loving home.

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