
Is our Creator God still Creating Today?

Christians, especially those of us who are evangelicals, can be privileged and blessed if we are willing to enlarge our Christian worldview to include the “How Stuff Works” perspective that science can provide.

I was working on some paper works one day. As I rested my eyes for a bit, I got a view of my son outside through the window blinds. He was out there again, at his usual spot, working yet again on another craft project. My son just loves creating stuff with his hands. He is into building dioramas and other miniature stuff. He re-creates scenes from his favourite superhero or sci-fi films. He loves playing with his toy figures. He enjoys creating backgrounds and stage sets for toy photography and mere play. The thing about him is that he can’t stand taking a break after completing a project. You will see him appreciating and celebrating his finished product. But, within a day or two, everyone’s sure to observe this creative boy pouring his mind into deciding and planning what to build next.

I leaned back and felt a smile of amusement form on my face. Then, thoughts wandered towards God, our creator God. With an extremely creative mind, could He be that way as well? Could he be like my son who can’t stop imagining stuff to do and make? Could he be exactly like my son who gets excited about the prospects and the process of coming out with another finished product? Like my son, could he be so in love and passionate about creating? My heart believes Him to be so. My heart believes God is highly much more than how my son is as a creator.

Well, yes; Genesis 1 to 2:2 does give us an account of the creation of this world we live in. And, yes; the passage further tells us that God finished the work He had been doing and then rested. This may clue us that God has stopped creating in our part of the world. However, this doesn’t tell us that God is done with creating.

Just by looking at our side of the universe, we see how great and awesome God’s handiworks are. Nature gives us a glimpse of His power and capabilities. Job shared his thoughts and wonderings on that in Job 37.   We just need to behold all the natural landscapes and breathtaking wildlife and feel instinctively that God must still be creating today. His creative genius must not be bottled up. It is impossible for One of magnificent talent to just sit by and do nothing.

We can consider God’s astonishing work on our bodies. Much has been understood about how our body works and all that is inside of us. Yet all this time more remains to be discovered and understood.   In January 2017, scientists have just recognized and have given a name to one important organ in the body, the mesentery. It connects the intestine to our body and keeps it in place. The mesentery transports blood and lymphatic fluid between the intestine and the rest of our body. It is crucial to a right functioning of our “intestinal, vascular, endocrine, cardiovascular and immunological systems.”

We can also think about the humungous blue whale for a minute. The National Geographic confirms it to be the largest animal on earth. It grows up to 105 feet and weighs up to 200 tons.   A cool thing about these graceful swimmers is that they can communicate with each other up to 1,000 miles away. They have excellent hearing. With their voice, they sonar-navigate the deep and dark oceans. Search for testimonies of those who go whale watching. You’re sure to read accounts of people crying, breathless, and frozen in wonder at the sight of such a great creature.   Isn’t it highly unlikely that the creator of this blue whale remains unproductive, “wasting” his talent when He is at an unending prime of His life? Isaiah 40:28 tells us of an everlasting Creator God who never grows tired or weary. He is forever strong. He is forever able.

Believing that God is still creating today leaves me excited about an eternity to come. In ignorance, some people make comments on how boring it would be to spend eternity in heaven. This won’t be so for a child of God. The Bible speaks of a new heaven and a new earth that will be there for exploring. And with such a God as we have, there must be so much more out there for us to discover, explore, and enjoy. To fully grasp the wonderful nature of God; to behold all the wondrous works that an unlimited God can do; well, eternity may just not be enough!

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By Godinterest

Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart, to save and empower lives.

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