
Shocking Report reveals 1 in 12 Christians are persecuted around the world: Six women were raped every DAY and 3,000 were killed in 2017

Open Doors USA report reveals that more than 215m Christians live with persecution. The report listed the Top 50 nations where being a member of a religious group is most dangerous with North Korea topping the list and Afghanistan not far behind.

A Shocking report revealed that 1 in 12 Christians worldwide is suffering persecution for their faith making them the target of vicious savage rape attacks.

The report by Open Doors USA stated that 215 million Christians live in regions with high degrees of persecution worldwide.

Open Doors USA is an organization that studies Christian persecution.

Open Doors USA documented that in statical terms over 3,000 Christians were killed, 1,252 were abducted; and approximately 800 churches were subjected to vandalism in 2017 within the reporting period for the 2018 list.

David Curry, the president, and CEO of Open Doors USA told Fox News. That ‘in maybe a way that he hasn’t seen before, the most disturbing findings suggest that Christian women are among the most violated in the entire world, ‘   David also stated that ‘We need to raise the flag as these are tactics that are being increasingly used by extremists.’

50 countries were identified across the world where following Christianity is most dangerous.

For the second year in a row, the list’s number one cause of Christian persecution is the spread of radical Islamic persecution in 35 of the 50 nations according to the report.

North Korea topped the list as it is an atheist state and public worship is illegal, also as Afghanistan has a conservative Muslim population and lacks a strong central government it wasn’t far behind.

Open Doors USA finds that there has been tremendous growth in underground Christianity in North Korea with over 300,000 Christians practicing their religion behind closed doors for fear of government persecution.

‘In a nation where the ruling regime demands total control over the general public, anything that challenges the government’s power is seen as a threat, including religion,’ Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern, told Fox News. ‘As a result, the North Korean government does everything in its power to squash the spread of Christianity.’

Islamic militancy has also been on the rise in Somalia, where Christians if caught, are usually martyred. Christians in Egypt, India, Libya, and Kazakhstan also experienced increased persecution since last Open Doors report.

“The World Watch List matters. It matters because it is the most trusted measurement of religious persecution in the world today,” CEO David Curry said. “But even more important, the list matters because it’s a spiritual EKG showing the strength and vulnerability of the global Church.”

Open Doors is a non-denominational mission ministry launched in 1955 by the Dutch Brother Andrew, author of God’s Smuggler, which tells the stories of his secret missions to smuggle Bibles into hostile regions.

Open Doors has been monitoring worldwide Christian persecution since the 1970s.

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By Godinterest

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