
How to Deal with Chronic Fear and Anxiety

If there is one thing that holds millions of people back each day from growing as an individual, achieving high levels of success and becoming the best version of themselves, fear is definitely at the top of the list.

Fear is something that we will all experience in our lives, but fear is actually an emotion that we can control.

Fear is an emotion that brings on a reaction of fight or flight. Fear can manifests itself in all areas of our lives. When fear comes, we generally choose one of two pathways; we either stand and battle out whatever is causing the fear, or we run away from the fearful situation. Fear is the most powerful weapon that the enemy can use against us. Living in fear can absolutely can kill, steal, and destroy. Isn’t this the scheme of Satan?

As I am watching the latest on the school shooting here in my home state of Florida, many thoughts are running through my mind. I wonder how many parents are thinking they need to homeschool their children.

I wonder how my daughter and son would react in the same situation if it happened in their schools. Would they give in to fear, would they be able to react in time and overcome their fear to survive? How many teachers are thinking they need to resign?

Last night one of the schools in a nearby small town cancelled school today because of a potential threat. This morning, I watched my kids walk out the door for school, and worry did run through my mind, but I also know that I cannot give into fear. I lived in fear for many years of my life as a result of an abusive childhood.

It took a long time for me to learn how to control my fear but once I did my life changed dramatically. First, I had to accept that there are some things in life that I am not going to be able to control. I have to live my life, and stop merely existing. Fear can paralyze even the strongest of person, and the grip is so tight it’s almost impossible to get out of its hold. Fear would give me overwhelming anxiety and take over all of my senses. Understand that fear is a product of the evil in this world and that evil uses fear to control. Once you allowed fear to enter into your mind you are already suffering.

There are a lot of things going on in the world right now and we can choose to be afraid, to send our kids to school and or we can teach them to speak up when they see questionable Snapchats, texts, or whatever.

We can equip our children to live in their generation without being afraid. Our kids will emulate our actions and reactions so we need to learn how to deal with fear first and foremost.

One of the ways that I battle fear is to control my mind and it’s thought processes. Satan can do a lot of things but he cannot control your thoughts. The mind can occupy just one single thought at a time.

So, in order to keep fear at bay, I have learned the key point to getting out of the emotion of fear is to stay positive. I have learned to make positive statements to myself almost repetitively. I have found that when I think on the positive aspects of my life or the positive things around me, my conscious mind eventually accepts my subconscious mind. I have learned to make positive statements to myself almost repetitively. I have found that when I think on the positive aspects of my life or the positive things around me, my conscious mind eventually accepts my subconscious mind.

One other thing I hold on to keep me calm is reading my favorite passages in the Bible. The Bible holds a wealth of comforting words to keep me calm and serein, so, often I go to the Bible to read passages that hold fearful situations back.

Fear is the opposite of faith, and as long as I have God in my life I trust in His plan for me and my family. The Bible says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear”¦” (2 Timothy 1: 7a NKJV) Because I know that fear is not of God, I choose to not let fear control me. Satan would have me to doubt and fear, God would have me to trust Him and live a happy fulfilled life despite what terrible things happen to me and around me. God didn’t give us the Spirit of fear. We can’t control what is going on in the world, but we can control our emotions and how we allow fear to play a part in our lives.


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