
What Does It Really Mean to Be a Child of God?

Most people do not have any idea what it means to become a child of God. As a result, they are missing one of the most amazing messages in the Bible.

Becoming  more  Christlike  is the result of freedom from sin.  The influence of grace is to soften the heart, to refine and purify the feelings, giving a heaven-born mindset and sense of property.

A Christian cannot be self-exalted, for this is not Christlike.

The world’s Redeemer, the sinner’s saviour says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)

But let us continually bear in mind that the meek and lowly Jesus has the spirit and the ambition of a conqueror. The vast dominions over which God holds sway form no adequate theater for the exercise of His grace, the expression of His love, and the manifestation of His glory.

He who loves the Lord Jesus Christ in truth and sincerity will love those whom Christ died to save, and will eagerly embrace every opportunity to minister of Christ to non believers.

We must look at our lives as sons and daughters of God, as laborers with Jesus Christ, living for a higher purpose. We are representatives of Jesus Christ in character and are to serve Him with our undivided affections. Not only will we reveal the fact that we love God in our actions, but will, in accordance with His holy character, live a pure and perfect life.

We must live in perfection because Jesus is the embodiment of perfection, and the great Center upon whom our hope of eternal life and happiness is centered will lead us to unity and harmony.

The life we now live must be by faith in Jesus Christ. If we are Christ’s followers our lives will not be moved by little actions according to circumstances, envious faultfindings, jealousy, and selfish vanity. These put us out of harmony with the life of Jesus Christ, and we cannot be overcomers if we retain these defects.

When exposed to the unfolding scenes in life, and words are spoken that are calculated to cut and bruise the soul, speak the following to yourself:

“I am a child of God, an heir with Jesus Christ, a co-laborer with God. I must not, therefore, have a cheap mind, easy to take offense, always thinking of myself, for this will naturally produce an inharmonious character. It is unworthy of my calling. The heavenly Father has given me my work to do; let me be worthy of the trust.” Amen

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By Godinterest

Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart, to save and empower lives.

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