
3 Ways God Speaks to You

Speaking is central to God. God himself is Word, and his speech commanded nothing to be everything (John 1:1–3). The question is, How do I understand it and tune in so that I can hear God’s voice?

Does God talk to you? Does God communicate with people? On its February 13, 2018, broadcast, viewers heard Joy Behar, ABC daytime talk show co-host of “The View” say, “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you, that’s called mental illness if I’m not correct. Hearing voices.” During the episode, talks revolved around criticisms on U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith. Co-host Sunny Hostin said, “I don’t know that I want my vice president, um — speaking in tongues and having Jesus speak to him.”

It’s sad that communicating with God, which is a primary Christian truth, can be viewed as a mental illness. It’s sadder to think that like these well-known personalities, many think that way. They view God as inaccessible and silent. They believe that it’s not possible to hear Him speak. In refusing to accept this fact, the world loses out. They are missing a lot.

Hearing God speak is one great blessing every child of God enjoys. God’s Words bring life and joy. His messages bring direction and enlightenment; they bring healing.

God speaks through nature.

Engaging with nature is always a fruitful time. We feel serenity setting in and we find ourselves at rest. Marvellous scenes and amazing creatures amaze and baffle us. We feel humbled, we feel thankful. We see an awesome Creator who is all-powerful. We see a faithful God sustaining all He has created. Every time we come out of a nature experience we are recharged, we are repurposed.

Job articulates it beautifully in Job chapter 12, reminding us that the very creatures that exist around us testify of our creator God and in His hand is the breath and life of all creation. Psalm 19 talks of the skies and heavens proclaiming the greatness and praise of our God.

The child of God must make a habit of pausing and taking in the beauty of nature. There is a great benefit in sitting back in solitude around greenery or around tranquil waters. It is there we can still our hearts, see God afresh, and hear Him say, “Be still and know I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

God speaks through the Written Word.

The Bible is God’s special blessing upon us. He selected believers of different background and experiences to put into writing His very words. Scriptures are ever alive. Its truths relate to people of any generation. The desiring heart will read it and experience its truths alive and active, insightful, cutting through the very core of one’s being. (Hebrews 4:12)

The child of God who seeks to know God and His plans will find direction for living within its pages. Through His Word God empowers us. Through His Word, God draws close to us, and makes Himself known to us.

The child of God must make a habit of opening God’s Word for one cannot begin to understand if one does not know. We can’t prove the truthfulness of God’s Word and promises if there is no knowledge to hold onto and prove. We must open the living Word and allow God’s voice to be heard. Open it and we will hear Him speak.

God speaks through music.

There is something in music that is very powerful. Research proves that it can influence behaviour and it can better one’s physical conditions. Music can change one’s mood and emotions. For instance, classical music can draw one’s mind out of chaos into calm and resoluteness.

There is something even more powerful in worship music. They can uplift your spirit and carry your mind towards greater heights and depths of learning and joy. God places in musicians the inspiration to pen biblical truths so beautifully. Through their meditations and personal journeys, we tap into the very heart of God. We get an overwhelming sense of His desire for our lives, what we need to change, what we need to surrender, and what we need to remember and be assured of.

The child of God must make a habit of listening to and singing Christian songs. It is a wonderful ingredient to private and corporate worship. From a multitude of worship songs, believers find spiritual growth. How many verses from the book of Psalms have taught you great things about God and man? How many verses from Psalms have caused you to understand yourself and others more? Those are Christian songs God uses to teach and encourage us.

Hearing God speak is a normal yet a special thing. God talks and He loves talking to you. He will speak lovingly and meaningfully if you only pose yourself to listen.

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By Ana Menez

I serve with a training & equipping organization. I am also a freelance writer and I take great interest in writing and sharing growth resources. Reading is one of my great loves. I love it for all its fresh insights and points of view that help as I consider issues relevant to my faith life.

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