
Let’s Talk About Grace

“The biggest truth about grace is that no matter what you have done, your life is not irredeemable. It doesn’t matter how far you’ve gone, how many lies you’ve built up, how many bridges you’ve burned. Grace can meet you there”¦”

Grace is a beautiful word. It is one of the best words you can name your child with. The meaning is profound. The Hebrew word for it is “chen”(pronounced khane) which signifies a stooping down in kindness like that of a superior to the inferior. The Greek word for it is “charis” (pronounced khar’-ece) and denotes graciousness in manner and action.

God and Grace

In learning these, we can better understand God and His grace. God’s attitude and action of grace (unmerited favour) is God stooping down to us, reaching us in our need, and conveying upon us a benefit we never earned nor deserved.   To name the benefit, there are actually so many.


Ephesians 2:8,9 explains that salvation is ever only by grace. We can never make a way to save ourselves. We can never assist God in making a way for us to be saved. We are dependent upon Him for life. It is God who graces us with the power to be quickened and live free from the penalty of sin and from the power of sin. Through the atoning work of Christ, we can spend eternity with God in His presence. Through Christ at work in our lives by the Holy Spirit, we can spend an overcoming and abundant life on earth now. The only thing we can ever do is respond to Him in gratefulness and demonstrative love.


Merriam-Webster defines blessedness as “a feeling or state of well-being and contentment.” Psalm 68:19 assures that the redeemed will be blessed. It is God who loads us with benefits. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that it is God who has given us the very abilities we have in order to gain wealth, to earn a living. Philippians 4:13 says that it is Christ in us “Who” causes us to be someone who accomplishes anything. There can be no room for pride. There can be no cause for self-exaltation and no cause for self-reliance.

It is foolish for a Christian to forget God in times of success and to wander away in times of prosperity for he cannot sustain anything for long apart from God. In John 15:5 Christ tells us that without Him, we can do nothing. This means that the only way to a satisfying marriage is to abide in Christ. The only way to right parenting is to depend on Christ. The only way to keep working on what you love and to keep loving your work is to be focused on Christ. In God is blessedness. You can never find it anywhere else.

In 1 Corinthians 15:10 the apostle Paul’s realization hits home. He says, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.”

Indeed, by the grace of God, we are what we are, saved and blessed. And as we keep leaning into His grace, it will never be without effect.

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By Ana Menez

I serve with a training & equipping organization. I am also a freelance writer and I take great interest in writing and sharing growth resources. Reading is one of my great loves. I love it for all its fresh insights and points of view that help as I consider issues relevant to my faith life.

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