
A dozen house-church quotes from a book called ONE

God’s eternal purpose is for humankind to enjoy such a wonderful and mysterious ONEness together, in Him, as the uniting bond of peace.

Reading a house-church handbook, ONE: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose From House To House by Henry Hon, I was inspired, challenged, and equipped by many statements.

Here are 12 that you may enjoy.

  1. “Believers should not wait for anyone to lead them; the Spirit is leading and speaking, and they should simply follow Him. Following the Spirit is what creates a leader.”
  2. “Every believer is called to teach. Otherwise, they will remain a babe and never mature. Sharing what the believer has learned should begin as soon as a person comes to know the Lord.”
  3. “It is a good practice to invite Christians to your house for fellowship. Inviting people into your house means that you are open to them, that you have nothing to hide from them, and they are welcomed to be comfortable around you.”
  4. “You can always give your testimony of how you came to know Jesus. Certainly, no one can argue with your testimony.”
  5. “Where everyone is accepted equally as a brother or sister in Christ, and where there is an open forum without a set program and format, believers will be in an environment where their gifts will develop and manifest naturally.”
  6. “People’s hearts are opened when they speak freely.”
  7. “How critical it is to stay focused on Jesus Christ.”
  8. “Christians will remain a babe if they do not exercise and begin teaching others themselves. Maturity is not about knowing a lot but whether the believer is actually participating in the ministry.”
  9. “It is a good practice to invite Christians to your house for fellowship. Inviting people into your house means that you are open to them, that you have nothing to hide from them, and that they are welcomed to be comfortable around you.”
  10. “Believers should be open to and encourage the Spirit’s moving within each one, including the spontaneity from individual initiatives when gathered together. Believers need to be vigilant to prevent formality of liturgy where the Spirit is stifled, and individual initiatives are not allowed.”
  11. “Believers can search the Scriptures on their own, and allow the Word of God, coinciding with the Holy Spirit, to enlighten their understanding, and open their spiritual eyes.”
  12. “All believers need to become teachers, shepherds, ministers, and good-news-bearers.”

The book ONE expounds on becoming and functioning as ONE through these three gifts. It was written so that both Christians and non-Christians alike can easily understand it. It will take you on a journey through the Bible, into God’s eternal purpose, and into your own home (from house to house). Jesus prayed that when His people are ONE, then “. . . the world may believe. . .” in Jesus Christ. Today’s dream: Reset to ONE; Revival Next!

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