
Biblical Quotes and Ways to help you Overcome Rejection

Rejection knows no bounds, invading social, romantic and job situations alike. And it feels terrible because “it communicates the sense to somebody that they’re not loved or not wanted, or not in some way valued.

We all at some point in our lives get to deal with the spirit of rejection. When the feeling of loneliness and rejection creeps in we tend to roll back into our cocoons and hide from the outside world. The Bible states that “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. “John 15:18.When you are on the verge of giving up, the word of God tells you to cast all your worries and cares to God for he cares about you. Rejection crushes your self-esteem and fights your life’s purpose and this can deprive you the chance to enjoy the Love of God. There are several signs of rejection to look out for.

1. Trying to fit in the society

Have you at some point tried to fit in or have had the urge to be accepted by friends, peers, and family? When the contrary happens you can get bruised psychologically and your spirit gets crushed in the process. The word of God which is a healing balm tells us that the He is close to the brokenhearted. Seek Him wholeheartedly for you can never drift away from his love.

2. Finding fault with God

Does your physical appearance or social status lead you to blame God? You were created in His likeness and you’re fearfully and wonderfully made. Deuteronomy 14:2 says “You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and He has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure. “What an assurance that the Lord treasures you! Start loving and appreciating yourself and you’ll find every reason to thank God for you’re an awesome creation.

3. Living in isolation

The tendency to isolate yourself from the outside world is a red flag that something is wrong or things aren’t heading at the right direction. Isolation may lead to suicidal thoughts and to harbor them in your mind gives the enemy an opportunity to manipulate you. Isolation can also lead to anxiety and the Bible tells us that we should not be anxious about anything. Make a habit of reading the word of God for the renewal of your mind.


The book of 1Sam15:23 states that, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. When you fail to submit to authority it will always land you in trouble. Align yourself with Gods will and learn to submit to the Holy Spirit. He’s your helper and you should allow him to guide you into the ways of righteousness.

Where do you derive your identity from? Is it from your job, family, and friends? Your identity should always come from the Lord. Read the word of God to get a clear direction on what the Bible says about you. The word says that we are made joint heirs with Christ. Isn’t this confirmation great? Yes, it is.                                                                                                                    

All in all, the greatest way to overcome the demon of rejection is to solve your identity crisis. Let your identity come from the Lord alone. He calls us His sons and heirs and we should always rejoice in his presence. The minute you will identify who you are and allow the Holy Spirit to take full control, your life will make a turnaround, your self-esteem will move a notch higher and you’ll align with your purpose in life.

Draw closer to God and He will draw closer to you. Meditate on His word day and night and set time to pray. Be happy, feel loved and appreciated God loves you.

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