
The Influence of Godly Mothers

Around Mother’s Day we hear the old saying, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” But is that true?

Mother’s Day is approaching and we will be recognising all of the loving and sweet Mother’s in our lives. One of life greatest blessings is to have a Godly mother. On this special day, we will be sharing words of love and showing appreciation to the women that have loved us before we took our first breath. Paul references the importance of a godly mother and grandmother in 2 Timothy 1: 5 (ESV)

“I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first  in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now,  I am sure, dwells in you as well.”

As a child, I never understood the magnitude of having a godly mother or the blessing of a mother’s love. My relationship with my biological mother was nothing close to what you read in most Hallmark cards and the Foster mother that I had was not a great substitute mother either. What I missed as a child was troubling but Mother’s Day is so much more than celebrating your own biological mother. Mother’s Day is also about celebrating the women that have stepped in that motherly role, the ones that have lifted you up in prayer day after day, loved you, befriended you, and guided you, these are the women that I call spiritual mothers.

What is a Spiritual Mother?

A Spiritual Mother is a woman that lives her life for God and helps and guides you in your walk with God. Like a mentor, only with a mother’s heart. A spiritual mother nurtures, cares, provides and creates an environment that can be trusted in which you can feel safe to grow in. Spiritual Mothers share wisdom and can help with seeing things from a different perspective. A Spiritual Mother will love you despite your shortcomings but help you shine in your strengths. Spiritual Mothers will bless and encourage the call of God on your life. Spiritual moms most of the time are not chosen by you, instead, typically they find you. A real Spiritual mother can sense the void in your life, they watch you and pray for you long before they ever come into a close relationship with you. They will never be pushy, but gently they walk along with you and when the time is right they draw close. A Spiritual mother’s love can be felt in the way they communicate with you. Their demeanor is typically soft if you need soft and firm if you need firm. I believe God has a spiritual mother in the world for everyone whether you have had a great mother or not. The need for Spiritual mothers is great, everyone needs someone to help nurture in time of need.

My Spiritual Mother  

I have a spiritual mother; her name is Crystal. I will never forget when I first became sick and was admitted to the hospital. She was always the first one there and the last one to come back. She took care of the little things and some big things. To say Crystal is just a mere mentor or Spiritual Mother doesn’t even give it justice. She is much more to me that she will ever know. She has been the mother that I never had, the kind of mother I needed so badly when I was younger. She has been the ear to listen, the one to check on me every single week, and she really cares for me. Through Crystal, I have truly had a taste of what a mother truly is and for that, I am so grateful. Crystal has been a grandmother to my kids and has given a lot of herself to me and my family. So right now, I want to take the time to honor my Spiritual Mother and say thank you to Crystal and we love you. Proverbs 31: 30-31 says;

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman  who fears the  Lord  is to be praised.  Give her of the fruit of her hands,  and let her works praise her in the gates.”  

I praise my Spiritual mother for her works of grace, mercy, and kindness and for taking me underneath her wings.

Being A Godly Mother

One of life’s greatest gifts you can give your children is to be a Godly mother. I will never forget holding my first baby girl just fifteen years ago. When I gave birth to my daughter, my love for her was instant and so great that I would lay my life down for her. I wanted a strong bond with her, and relationship where she knew she could come to me with anything in the world. Most of all I wanted her to know that she was a gift from God. Now, I have two beautiful children that I love so much. We say I love you every day, and we share hugs. We talk with each other, and I guide my children. I teach them the word of God. Proverbs 22: 6 ESV says;

Train up a child in the way he should go;  even when he is  old he will not depart from it.”

I believe that if I train my children to be model citizens, to be respectful, to know what manners are, to follow the ways of God, to live godly lives that not only will they live it out, according to Proverbs 22: 6, they will also teach their children the same values, morals and Christian characteristics.

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