
Are You Ready For Jesus To Come?

If you believe you will meet Jesus one day, you likely also believe that you are ready for that occasion. But on what is that confidence based?

No one is exempt. Every single one of us has a calling from the Lord. We have a purpose for our time here on earth. We have an assignment from God.  

In 2 Cor. 9:1-5, we see Paul’s continued dedication to the Corinthians. Paul had every excuse to walk away. He could have easily deserted them and moved on. A lot of times…that seems like the best option. But Paul doesn’t throw in the towel and call it quits. Oh, he so easily could have! The oxygen was waning thin. The deep, dark bags under his eyes were showing. However, he stayed in the game…not because he was receiving a pat on the back or high-fives in the air…but merely because God had called him.

The Nature of Readiness

Despite the false teachers, confused Corinthians, and unending hostile work environment–Paul presses on. He fights the good fight. He doesn’t let exhaustion win. Paul continues on because he is smack dab where God assigned him to be. He is living out the calling on his life. And whether you realize it or not, you have a calling too. God has called you to use the gifts He has apportioned to you.  

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). John Piper defines our spiritual gifts as “varied grace incarnate in human personalities which we steward for the good of others.Consider the extraordinary privilege of being useful to God. He has gifted you with spiritual gifts, appointed you as an ambassador, and invited you to be a part of the Great Commission.

Now, it is our responsibility to heed the call. Finish the task. And follow through. In one moment (like the Corinthians) we may be ready. We may be amped up. But then we hop in our car, turn on the radio, and start singing a different tune. Forgetting all about our calling.

The Big Question

Do you have any unfinished business? Have you lacked the resolve to carry it through? Is there anything God has called you to do that has been left undone? Paul gave the Corinthians overseers (a call out to all my accounting friends. whoop!) to help them stay on course and execute the plan. Maybe some of us need an accountability partner. Maybe some of us need to get back in the game. Maybe some of us need reminding that Jesus is coming back soon…and we need to be up and ready with the kettle pot on.

What is your biggest distraction? When Jesus comes back, will you be ready?


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By Sue Allen

I am passionate about adoption, social justice, parenting, chocolate chip cookies…and most importantly JESUS! I have four amazing kids: Avery, Addie, Kade, and Comerson and an amazing hubs, Coby. We actively serve in Haiti with myLIFEspeaks, a special needs advocacy group and Christian outreach ministry.

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