
Smiling Page Boy at Royal Wedding That Captured the Heart of Christ

At the royal wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, it was a page boy who truly captured the internet’s hearts, forsaking all others.

Millions of Americans forsook their precious Saturday morning sleep for the chance to tune into a grand moment in history.

Whether you’re a fan of the royal family or not, I think we can all agree that this live event was something to behold.

Some argue the simplicity of two hearts being joined together as everyday fodder.

Others, like myself, were perhaps caught off guard by the magnitude and solitude of the ceremony.

The sights and sounds set the stage for a fairytale moment in time. When, for a brief encounter, we saw a piece of our common selves lain in the vows between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

As I marveled at the procession, my heart was enthralled at the sight of a little page boy.

Upon entering the castle and hearing the orchestrated music thunder through the century old walls, it was obvious this child was having the time of his life.

I wondered if the thousands of viewers on this particular live feed had just experienced the delightful joy that was found in his innocent face of wonder.

My throat tightened a bit and I was puzzled at the puddle of tears that had formed in the corner of my right eye.

Within seconds, I determined that I would store away the picture of a toothless smile- to use as a reminder of the essence of God. A mental note that could bring us all back to ground level- to recapture the awe of the simple rugged cross that held a remarkable man with an extraordinary plan for the world.

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