
6 Qualities of A Man Worth Waiting For

Kenan an author on Godinterest believes that when you find the right man, you’ll be incredibly glad you didn’t settle for any of the Bozos you met along the way. Kenan explains how to avoid common dating pitfalls and find A MAN WORTH WAITING FOR.

Waiting for the right person to come by can be frustrating. Over a seemingly unending period of waiting time, one will tend to compromise. Please, refrain from doing that, do not ever settle. It’s better for you to be lonely now than be with someone who would not lead you closer to Jesus.

I’ve thought up of 6 signs that a man is worth waiting for. And while everyone has different criteria, I believe, with my whole heart, these 6 qualities you should never compromise. Here goes :

1. He puts Jesus before anything else.

Loves Jesus like crazy, reads the bible and lives by it, prays as if there is no tomorrow. This quality is an absolute must. Ladies, if you desire for a Joshua 24 : 15 kind of family, you would want someone who will lead you and your children to Jesus.

2. He treats his family well.

Does he honor his parents? (Exodus 12 : 10) Guide his siblings? How he acts as a son in his current family is probably how he’s going to act as a husband when he owns a family. Especially, look at how he treats his mom, that is probably how he is going to treat his future wife. Look for a man who treats his mom like a queen.

3. Love others crazily and selflessly puts others before himself.

A living embodiment of 1 Corinthians 13 : 4-8 who lives out Mark 12 : 31. Sacrificially goes to any length to lovingly help out anyone.

4. Humble and has a teachable heart.

Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” – 1 Peter 5 : 5

No one is perfect – no matter how godly a man is, he’s still imperfect and is bound to make mistakes. Look for a man who is humble enough to listen to you and is willing to be corrected and learn from his mistakes.

5. He controls his tongue.

Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. – Proverbs 21 : 23

He has to be able to tame his tongue. Whatever comes out of his mouth should always be “such as is good for building up” (Ephesians 4 : 29). Don’t go for a man who hurts others with his mouth, even if he passes it as a joke (I’m heavily guilty of this). Blessing and cursing should never come from the same mouth (James 3 : 10). A man who can’t lead his own tongue will not be any better at leading a family.

6. He is goal oriented.

Go for someone who plans out things, has a goal in life and would work hard to reach that goal, or simply put, someone who leads himself well. You need someone who will be able to cast out God-given vision for his family and lead his family towards it and if he can’t lead himself, he won’t be able to do that.

Finding a man who meets all these ‘requirements’ is going to be really hard. I myself, am not even a close picture of this list. But it is better to set the bar high. Stay faithful, keep praying and shape yourself to be a woman worth finding.  The right guy will come along, trust me. I’m no Joshua Harris and I’m inexperienced in this area, but I really pray that this list will keep you from dating the wrong people. You’re a princess of the most high King, you deserve a prince.

And God has prepared just that.

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