
The Squeezed Orange of a Psychiatrist

We recently came across the following story and thought that it simply and effectively communicated a profound message. We hope you’ll have a read and find it useful.

A psychiatrist was preparing for class and decided to take an orange with him. He began to talk to a bright young man in front and asked him, “If I squeeze this orange, what will I get?”

He looked at the Psychiatrist and answered, “Juice, of course!”

The Psychiatrist said, “Don’t you think I could squeeze apple juice from the orange?”

Laughing, he said “No.”

“What about grapefruit juice?”

He said, “Nope.”

The Psychiatrist asked again, “What would I get from this orange?”

“Orange juice, of course.”

He repeated his question, “Why? Why would I get orange juice from an orange?”

He answered, “Well, it is an orange, and that is what it has on the inside.”

The Psychiatrist nodded and said, “That’s right! Let’s think that this is not an orange, but it is you.

Someone puts pressure on you and says something you don’t like.

You get offended. Fear, bitterness, hatred, and anger come out of you. Why did this happen?”

The boy answered, “Because those things are on the inside.”

Now we have to consider what’s inside of you and me, because Matthew 15:18 says,

“But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.”

Jesus was squeezed and forgiveness, love, and mercy came brusting out of Him.

He taught us that regardless of people insulting, beating, humiliating, and treating Him worse than a criminal that we should afterwards show love and forgiveness! It was under the mighty impulse of love that Jesus took our place in the universe and invited the Ruler of all things to treat Him as a representative of the human family.

He identified Himself with our interests, took our guilt and its penalty, and offered in our behalf a complete sacrifice to God.

Jesus identifies His interest with ours. He represents Himself as personally affected with all that concerns us.

If we are wronged, maligned, treated with contempt, our sufferings are registered in the books of heaven as done unto Him.

If we would become like Christ and receive His fashion of character, we must in little things train the soul to daily progressive sanctification. Acts make habits and habits constitute character. There is no fear of overlooking great things, but there is peril in overlooking and undervaluing little things.

Let’s be filled with that love that comes from God, and let’s live each day by His side.

Now the question that we must ask ourselves is: “What comes out when we are squeezed?”

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By Godinterest

Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart, to save and empower lives.

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