
We serve an AWESOME God!

May God’s patient understanding flood your spirits as you open up your heart to His will and purpose, Amen.

When someone says that they are a Christian…what exactly does that mean? Do they believe in Jesus as the Christ? Is He their Savior or could their knowledge and belief be based on things that they have heard on TV or maybe at church? What about the Trinity? It is never mentioned in the Bible so where did that idea come from?

All of these questions are good questions and they can be answered, up to a point, by reading and studying God’s Word. The first question about being a Christian is actually the toughest because there are many people who claim to be Christians even though they only attend church on special occasions. Granted, being a Christian is not dependent upon church attendance but you should want to have fellowship with fellow believers. Anyone can claim that they are a Christian just by saying so and many do just that. But the reality of it is that a Christian should be changed in their heart not just by knowing about Jesus or that they went down the aisle one Sunday or on a revival night.

Anyone can walk down the aisle and say a few words which can lead others to believe that they are sincere in their belief, but if their life doesn’t change then those were just words and nothing more. Being a Christian and serving the God and Creator of the universe is a change which is complete and whole. Meaning that you won’t go back to the life you had before, you won’t do the things which you were doing prior to becoming a Christian. If you haven’t gone “all in” with Jesus then your claim to Christianity is false.

Our God is awesome and He loves us deeply otherwise He would not have sent Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins.

The Trinity is referenced in the gospels not so much as the “Trinity” but by description. When Jesus was baptized God the Father spoke and said He was His Son in whom He was pleased and the Holy Spirit came down in the form and shape of a dove and rested upon Jesus. In this, you have the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit of the Trinity. God proved that Jesus was and is His Son by the resurrection after His death on the cross which paid our sin debt in full, all that we have to do is believe and repent of our old life and walk with Him from this point on. Amen

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