
Loving the Life You Are Living

You may say that you love your family, your spouse, your church, or the Lord. You may also express love for more temporal things like a good cup of coffee, your home, or a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant. But it is rarer to truly say “I love my life!”

Man can overlook the preciousness of life. Minutes that turn to hours, hours that turn to days; one can easily spend them on trivial pursuits and activities. The young and distracted may feel he has loads of time and strength. The old and burned out may feel he has little strength and lose interest in doing anything more. But whatever season of life we are in, as long as there is breath, there is precious time being lavished upon us. And however we spend our time, that is the composition of our life. Time spent is the life we are living. Are we loving it? Are we loving the life we are living now?

Ptr. Chuck Swindoll shared, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Ptr. Mike Meñez shared, “If you don’t like the life you are living then it’s time to start making changes.” True. We decide on the kind of life we want to have and if it’s something we don’t love, we are ultimately responsible for that. We can’t keep looking back and putting blame on the past and on the people who messed up our lives. Aaron Lauritsen was right in saying, “At some point, you just gotta forgive the past, your happiness hinges on it.” We can’t keep allowing past circumstances and offenses to inflict consequences upon us when we have the capacity to break free from them. In Romans 8, Paul reminds us that in all troubles and setbacks, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us; and nothing will separate us from that love. We are secure in God’s love. Our future is secure in Him. Our joy and satisfaction is secure in Him. Therefore, we can love the life we are living right now.

Seeing opportunities in struggles

Hardships can easily bring us down; it’s normal. However, we are called to the spiritual. And from a spiritual perspective, struggles can very well lift our spirits and strengthen our faith. Through all the difficulties, there are opportunities God presents our way: moments of learning, moments of realizing He is real and at work, moments of discovering true friendships and deeper family ties, moments of realizing that it is the struggles that strengthen our character and forges more meaningful relationships. Seeing opportunities in struggles cause us to love and value this life more and more.

Seeing blessings in times of need

In this world, it seems that needs will always be greater. Focusing on all the things we lack can bring us down; it is normal. However, we are called to trust and contentment. God will never withhold what is good for us. He will come to our aid in His perfect time. We must learn trustful contentment in a God who never fails. Like Job, we need to remember that this life is all by grace. God has given us much more than we deserve, much more than we can hope for. And He will continue to give in the same way. In times of need, remember and appreciate all that He is putting at your disposal and trust Him to come through for the things you require.

God assures us in Jeremiah 29:11 that all the plans He has for us are always for good. Romans 8 says He is always working out our life for our good. Involve Him in every moment of your life. He will always be the key to loving the life you are living now.

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By Ana Menez

I serve with a training & equipping organization. I am also a freelance writer and I take great interest in writing and sharing growth resources. Reading is one of my great loves. I love it for all its fresh insights and points of view that help as I consider issues relevant to my faith life.

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