
Where is Your God? The Ultimate Question

Where is Your God? The Ultimate Question A Poem By Jacqueline

My soul is cast down within me

Tears have become my cup of tea and my daily food.

Lord, why have you forgotten me?

Why must my enemies continue oppressing me? While they say continually to me

”Where is your God”

As I sit in darkness, I reminisce about how I regarded them as my close friends.

I confided in them for guidance as I thought they were a godly people.

Woe is me!  For I have been deceived.

The godly has surely perished from the earth.

I have been dealt with the blow of an enemy

The punishment of a merciless foe

For I have sinned against the Lord

I have put my trust in men.

I will cry out to the Lord and seek his face

He doesn’t retain his anger for ever

He will once again be merciful and will tread my iniquities under foot.

Though I’m far from deliverance, The Lord will bring near his deliverance.

His salvation will not tarry.

I shall behold the deliverance of the Lord.

I will wait for the God of my salvation

My God will hear me.

I shall sing songs of thanksgiving and my voice shall be of those who make merry.

The Lord will frustrate the plans of my enemies

He will bring their counsel to nothing.

For He spoke and it came to be

The counsel of the Lord stands for  ever.

Then my enemies will see, and shame will cover them who said to me

”Where is your God”


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