
Lord, Prepare Me to Be a Godly Parent

 Jeremiah 34:2 “Thus says the Lord God of Israel, ‘Go and speak to Zedekiah king of Judah and say to him: “Thus says the Lord, ‘Behold, I am giving this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he will burn it with fire.’”’”


Jeremiah knew Zedekiah.  He wasn’t a kind king.  He was, in fact, cruel and demanding.  Jeremiah knew he would not like this message.  Get the picture – Zedekiah is surrounded by the Babylonian/Chaldean armies. The city is about to be lost.  And who comes into your court but the very prophet who has prophesied this.  Jeremiah was surely stepping into danger.

But Jeremiah went and said exactly what the Lord said to tell him.  You see, Jeremiah valued being committed to the Lord over his own life.  There are many today who serve in very dangerous parts of the world who do the same. What would you do?


I want to challenge you today, Mom and Dad.  Turn your children over to the Lord.  He may ask them to be a Jeremiah.  He may send them to a place that is less than friendly.  He may ask them to be His mouthpiece in a hostile land. How will you respond to that? It’s one thing for them to move across the country from you. It’s another whole thing for them to go to a place which can’t be made public for fear of death.

As we release our children to the Lord, He gives us the faith we need.  It makes no sense to “allow” our children to do that. But we trust the One Who has called them.  We trust that He is big enough to protect them when we are not.  We trust that the Lord Jesus will only let what He wants to touch them if they are centered in His will.

This is a tough one, parents.  We are made to protect our children, not send them into harm’s way.  But they are not our children.  They are the Lord’s.  He has merely entrusted them to us for a short period of time.  In fact, their response to His calling is our reward for teaching them so well.  Go chew on that.

Lord, thank You for allowing me to invest in my children.  Thank You for allowing me to have a small part in their preparation for whatever You call them to do.  I trust You.

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