
The Name I Cherish Emmanuel: There Is Indeed No Other Name!

Are you willing to die for your faith? My people hard times are coming to us. Stay strong in faith. Jesus loves you. ❤️

The Bible refers to Jesus by several titles or names, each one meaningful and significant. His name, “Immanuel”, appears less than 5 times in the whole of Scriptures. The title appears in Isaiah Chapter 7 and 8, and in Matthew 1:23 as an exact quote of Isaiah 7:14. The Word unleashed deep revelation when it revealed Jesus as Emmanuel. It means God with us. Jesus is God with us. I cherish this particular name for all the significance it bears.

God’s Abiding Presence

In the Old Covenant, God’s Spirit came and went. He stirred and enabled His people for His purposes but He had to depart whenever there was transgression. The curtain that excluded the Most Holy Place from the rest of the temple was a reminder that there was a limit to our access of God; not that He wanted to but because man’s sin and imperfection made it impossible.

In the New Covenant, the Redeemed who place their faith in the atoning work of Christ enjoy full, continual, and straight access to God the Father. Sin will never separate us from the love of God. We will be subject to His loving discipline, but we are condemned no more. For the saved, there will never be a life without Christ. We will never be alone. Deut. 31:6. Matthew 28:20.

God’s Kinship

Our Maker, our Lord and Master; our Father, our Brother and Friend. God never wants a distant relationship or one that is based on fear or superiority. He longs to draw us to Himself. He longs for us to search for Him and know Him. (Acts 17:27).

From Romans 8:26 we know that God the Holy Spirit aids us in our weakness and prays for us intelligently. From Matthew 11:28-30 we know that Jesus is always there to bring enlightenment and increase our capacity for handling the challenges of life. From Psalm 46 we know that God is our “Person”, our reliable, go-to aide who will support and shield us in times of trouble and danger.

God’s Special Favor

God’s saving grace rests upon people who come to receive this grace through faith. 2 Peter 3:9 says that God is not willing that anyone should perish. But not all will choose to believe. Not all will accept Christ’s redemptive work on the cross. We pray God’s Kingdom and Salvation on all of mankind but not everyone believes, not everyone accepts God’s call to repentance and total faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross. But for those who believe, God’s unmerited favor keeps on falling and falling. We can never outgive God. He will always be more good and more generous even when He withholds certain things He deems unfit for us to receive at the time.

God’s Partnership

The world sometimes depicts Him as a puppeteer or an uninvolved spectator but God is far from that. He does not lord His good and perfect will over our lives but He does not amuse Himself with spectating our affairs. God’s eyes are on us and His Godhead is always working things out for our good. We live in a broken world where unfavorable things happen. Thankfully, in this broken world, God’s eyes run throughout the entirety of the land, ready to support those whose hearts are committed to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9) May we never believe the lies of the Evil One. May our faith never wane. May we never doubt the identity and sincerity of our loving Father.

All the praises and love to Jesus. ❤ Thank you for loving us even though we aren’t worth it.

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By Ana Menez

I serve with a training & equipping organization. I am also a freelance writer and I take great interest in writing and sharing growth resources. Reading is one of my great loves. I love it for all its fresh insights and points of view that help as I consider issues relevant to my faith life.

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