
Doin’ the Bible Dance

Some of us are natural-born dancers. You might be thinking, “Not me. I have two left feet.” But let me explain.

Some of us are natural-born dancers. You might be thinking, “Not me. I have two left feet.” But let me explain. Those of us who read the Bible dance through God’s Word, and each of us has a preferred style.

Steady, methodical dancers 
They read each verse carefully, because they don’t want to miss a thing! You never know, God might have a golden nugget hidden in the middle of those genealogies or descriptions of ceremonial law! (This is my style of reading most of the time, by the way.) But methodical dancers just about go into cardiac arrest if the Holy Spirit whispers to skip over a few hundred pages and read something out of sequence temporarily.

Spirit-led dancers
They follow whichever way Holy Spirit’s wind blows. They read in Daniel one day and Deuteronomy the next. But some spend the next two years reading Psalms and nothing else, and their biblical balance gets a bit tipsy after a while. (Maybe we aren’t all as Spirit-led as we think!)

Hopscotch / hot coals dancers 
Some of us dance through the Bible as if we’re on hot coals. We become very uncomfortable when God puts His finger on areas of our lives that aren’t in line with Him. So we take a quick hop over any verses that bother us and move on to safer territory. This may be a giant leap: “You know, I’m just not getting much out of Romans today. I think I’ll read Isaiah for a while. Isaiah always builds me up.” It doesn’t take long for  the hot coals dancer to figure out where he’s most likely to get his feet burned. He quickly learns to avoid that chapter or book altogether! (After all, who said we have to read the whole book from Genesis to Revelation?)

Victory dancers
These are the prayer warriors. They are intensely serious about their dance moves. They stand on the Word part of the time and swing it the rest of the time to accomplish the purposes of heaven. They do “mighty exploits” like Daniel spoke of (Daniel 11:32).

So, how do you dance through the Word? Do you even read it? Are you dancing lightly to avoid the hot coals, or are you planting your feet firmly in a victory step? Are you letting Holy Spirit lead – really lead – in the dance, or are you doing your own thing, all by yourself, and finding it’s kind of a drudge?

Dance with the Lord through His Word. Whatever method of steady reading you use, if you’re listening to Him and applying what He says, your dance will be awesome!

If you are interested in teaching on intercessory prayer, the prophetic gifts, or practical Christian living, visit Lee Ann’s Out of the Fire blog or her website, Character Building for Families.

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Lee Ann Rubsam is a prophetic teacher, specializing in foundational teaching on prayer and Christian character building. She and her husband present how-to workshops on prayer and the prophetic gifts, including Christian dream interpretation. She is also a retired homeschool mother, who continues to mentor younger mothers in the homeschool community.

Lee Ann's books and audio resources are used by individuals, churches, Bible study groups, and homeschooling families throughout the world.

Lee Ann's chief interests revolve around her family, church family, prayer, and building up the body of Christ. She and her husband Paul make their home in Appleton, Wisconsin. They have two grown children and several grandchildren.

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