
The Holy Weak

“They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them.” Matthew 21:7

I often wonder what real humility looks like. This week marked Jesus’ Kingly entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. He comes not as a military conqueror, or as a King riding on a stallion, but as a humble servant riding on a donkey. Jesus didn’t just ride on a donkey; Jesus rode on a donkey and a colt. He rode not just on a beast of service, but also on its young, weak, vulnerable offspring.

In the gospels we are told Jesus rode the donkey and its colt into Jerusalem. As well as making a statement about humility, I believe he was also making a statement about vulnerability. Can there be any true humility without a true realisation of weakness? Is it possible to really be humble and at the same time be shielded from hurt, pain and rejection? He enters the world through the vulnerability of a baby in a lowly manger, and prepares to end his earthly sojourn by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and a vulnerable tender colt.

Some years ago I was looking for a Counsellor. I sought someone who would understood my pain, my perplexities and my problems. I am told that true intimacy can only be shown by letting one’s defences down and becoming open and transparent. In politics, we like candidates who identify with our deep-seated struggles.

Today, as we approach what Christianity calls the holy weekend, the humility of Jesus is not a lofty virtue, but it connects all of us who struggle with the stresses and strains of everyday life. And it tells us that our power is not in covering our weaknesses, but in recognising our weaknesses, and acknowledging the vulnerable places where we hurt together. As we say in addiction “there is only one who can heal. It is the one who has been wounded.”

“They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them.” 

(Matthew 21:7)

Pray With Me
Emmanuel, thank You for being humble and vulnerable for me. Yahshua, teach me to be humble in every area of my life, especially as I try to deal with life’s hostile situations. God, show us how Your strength is made perfect in our weakness. In Jesus’ Name! Amen.

A special word from the Lord, from Pastor Ray Patrick

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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