
The Miracle of Tears and Redemption

I caught a tear from my eye this morning as it began to meander down my cheek. Soon I began to wonder about the purpose of tears.  Why do we have them? What purpose do they serve? My search took me to the phrase I heard a friend utter the other week. “This life is but a Valley of Tears,” she said, “It says so in the Bible.” I was intrigued by this phrase and went to look for it in the Scriptures. I found in in the Psalms.

Happy are the people whose strength is in You,whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a source of Springwater; even the autumn rain will cover it with blessings.  They go from strength to strength; each appears before God in Zion.

(Psalm 84:5-7 HCSB) 

Baca means weeping. A Vale of Weeping,, a Valley of tears. I looked up the composition of Teardrops, and what I found was amazing. Here is the quote below:

How the Composition of a Teardrop Changes

Tears that protect your eyes every day are slightly different from those that flush away irritants or those you cry in response to emotion. Here are the three main types of tears:

Basal Tears: These are typical tears that keep the eye hydrated, clean, and nourished.

Reflex Tears: Reflex tears are produced in response to irritation from chemicals, bright light, or foreign matter. 

Weeping Tears: Crying as an emotional response or from pain is termed “weeping”.  These tears contain the protein-based hormones prolactin, which acts as a natural painkiller.
(by Anne Helmenstine (updated on September 6, 2018), online magazine:Science Notes)

I just find it amazing that Our God would fashion three different kinds of tears, for three different purposes. His intimate, Sovereign Care over us is such a blessing, so detailed, so well-planned out .  He even knew that we would sin before he created us. The plan to redeem us was in place before the foundation of the world.

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens. For He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted through Jesus Christ for Himself, according to His favor and will, to the praise of His glorious grace that He favored us with in the Beloved.

(Ephesians 1:3-6) 

Ahhh, the miracle of tears and redemption. Every tiny detail of God’s plan was in place and our creator/Savior knew us before it all (Psalm 139) Rest in His Sovereign care and provision this day.

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By Carole L Haines

Carole has been an online inspirational blogger for over three years, but has been writing for her entire life. When she is not writing she works as a teacher’s assistant part-time, and is also a certified Chaplain, having been trained in various areas of crisis recovery. She currently resides in Maryland with her husband Bruce of 31 years. They have raised three wonderful children together, and are constantly rescuing cats and dogs and bringing them into their loving home.

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