
Lift People Up

Driving to camp meeting this morning in North Wales, we had great positive conversations, lifting each other up with testimonies and experiences. We all need somebody to believe in us more than we believe in ourselves. We all need people who will push us up in life. After all, there are enough people trying to push us down. There are enough people telling us what we can’t become, and how we don’t have what it takes. I know in my own life, I wouldn’t be half of who I am if it were not for positive people who spoke so much faith into me. People who called out the potential on the inside of me.

We all have the responsibility to do this for others. Push people up! Look with your eyes of faith and see their potential, and tell them what they can be. If you will be that person for somebody, God will send somebody to be that person for you.

Today, realise everybody has seeds of greatness on the inside. You can cause them to rise to a new level. You can be the catalyst for them to do things they never thought possible. Your words have creative, life-changing power. When you speak vision and purpose into someone’s life, that can be the seed God uses to move them to a new level.

“Two are better than one”¦if either of them falls down, one can help the other up”¦”

(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank you for sending folk into my life to lift me up. Today I commit to lift people up. God, I choose to speak life and call forth the seeds of greatness from within others. Father, thank You for using me to help others fulfil their destiny and divine purpose, in Jesus’ Name! Amen

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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