
The main problem confronting the United States today is that there isn’t enough white babies being born in this country – fiction or fact?

And right now white people are really frightened. If you don't understand the destruction of Planned Parenthood offices and you don't understand the wall that we're going to build on the southern border of the United States. You haven't read the book The Birth Death by Ben Wattenberg then Wattenberg was a brilliant Jewish man who was a member of the American Enterprise Institute and he wrote a book the first paragraph of which says. The main problem confronting the United States today is that there isnt enough white babies being born in this country. He was an adviser to presidents of the United States he wrote the book in 1987. He says there if we don't change this and change it rapidly white people will lose their numerical majority in this country and this will no longer be a white man's land. Now I'm not misrepresenting misrepresenting this I'm telling you exactly almost exactly what he says. He says there are three things we can do to solve this. Number one we could pay women to have babies as they had been doing in Western European nations for years. Then he says and these are his words not mine. Unfortunately we would have to pay women of all colors to have babies so we don't want to do that. He says the second thing we could do is increase the number of legal immigrants that are allowed into this country every year. Then once again he says unfortunately the vast majority of those waiting to come to this country today are people of color.

So we don't want to do that. The third thing he says and white men women had better pay attention to this. Sixty percent of the fetuses that are aborted every year are white. If we could keep that 60 percent alive that would solve our birth dearth. Does that sound like racism to you. Can you talk a little bit about the trauma associated with the trauma associated with it. One of the main traumas is it tells white people that they are superior because of the lack of melanin in their skin and then they find out suddenly that we've got a black president that's traumatic. That's where the trauma is living a lie. Finding out the truth is traumatic finding out now recently that within 30 years white people will be in the new miracle minority in this country is going to be traumatic. White people are scared to death right now particularly white males. They're scared to death that they are going to lose their power in the future and they are. But if you want to get ready for the future if you want to be treated well in the future treat others well in the present. What we do in the present constructs the future we call the Japanese and you'll pardon me but this is what we call them slant eyed little yellow.

We didn't say that about the Germans. After the war we rebuilt Germany and Japan and we get along beautifully with the Japanese. That was in 1945 that we finally won that war. How many how many years ago was that figure that out quickly. I'm not a math person but you're not a math person but you know it wasn't that far and it didn't take 50 years for us to have peace with the Japanese and the Germans even though even though we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. The Japanese hadn't killed 10 million people. Nowhere near that. We didn't drop any bombs on Germany because any any atomic bombs on Germany they were a different kind of people. We couldn't afford to do that. We killed how many Japanese people with two atomic bombs. And they for Davis. You want to talk about forgiveness. You want to talk about changing this thing. I cannot understand how Japanese people can stand the sight of any of us and yet they do. I cannot understand why black people who have been subjected to the ugliness that they've been subjected to in this country can get up every morning and go to work among us and not be absolutely furious. And I don't understand why we allow white people to behave the way they do. I don't understand that. And my third graders after they've gone through the exercise couldn't understand it and wouldn't tolerate it.

And when they went up to junior high and a junior high teacher used the N word. One of my bullet. My former student said if you're gonna use that word I'm going to go out in the hall until you stop using it as we don't use that word in this school. I was a sixth seventh grader who told his teacher off when we have enough students who are willing to confront people who are making racist sexist just homophobic statements we're going to be better off. We have got to stop tolerating the intolerable if it's intolerable for my black cousins and every black person on this earth that's one of my cousins. It was intolerable for them. It's intolerable for me. I will not tolerate it. I will not tolerate it. That is not that I am required not to tolerate that kind of treatment for the people who are related to me. And that's every person on the face of the earth. If your ignorance is such that you mistreat somebody because of your ignorance about the color of their skin don't do it around me. Number one. I've been threatened with death lots of times. Now I say go for it fool. My husband died four years ago. Being with him would not be a bad thing for me. That is not the worst thing that can happen to you living a worthless useless life is much worse than dying.

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