
Spirit = Breath

Last night at the Southall revival in London I spoke about the Holy Spirit – the invisible breath of God. in today’s verse the word “Spirit” literally means “breath.” In the original old testament Hebrew, this Scripture is saying that the breakthroughs that are coming in your life are not going to happen just because of your talent, your connections or who you know. It’s going to happen because God breathes in your direction. God will shift those negative winds that blow, into a positive breath of healing, promotion and restoration.

You may be wondering how are you going to get well? The medical report say it’s impossible. But when God breathes on you, health, wholeness and restoration are headed toward you. How are you going to accomplish your dreams? You may not know the right people, or have enough money, or feel like you don’t have the talent. No, God is breathing and sending ideas, resources and the right connections in your direction.

Today, if you will stay faithful and keep honouring and obeying God, then suddenly things will change. Suddenly, you will come into abundance. Suddenly, your child will turn around. Suddenly, you will get well. Suddenly, the breath of God will shift things in every area of your life!

“”¦Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.”  

(Zechariah 4:6, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for breathing in my direction. Father, thank You for restoring life, peace, health and wholeness to my body and mind through Your Holy Spirit. God, I bless You today, and receive the supernatural winds of change You have prepared for me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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