
Sin, Happiness, and Breaking Out of Spiritual Boredom

It’s boredom. Many people aren’t happy or sad; they’re just bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.

Just recently some youth were sharing with me how boring their life has become. I shared this simple but honest truth, “anything can become routine if we let it. Anything can feel mundane after a while.”

Not long ago, a young lady was speaking to me about how exciting my life must be. Speaking around the world, for over fifteen years. You’re on radio and TV. She said “Pastor Ray I wish my life was as exciting as yours, your life seems far from routine, mundane or boring, far from ordinary.” I said, “no, it’s not what you think. Although I feel grateful to God for all He has done, it does get lonely, boring and even mundane. I travel all the time, always on the road, in hotels, eating out, away from family, and at times I look away from all the miracles and blessings and start feeling down and bored.” I was excited about ministry when I first started.

Today, there are probably things in your life that you were once excited about. When God opened the door and gave you that dream job, or that promotion, you were so excited. You called your friends, posted it on facebook, you knew it was God’s favour. Well, don’t let the passion wear off just because you’ve had it five years! When you met that person and fell in love you were on cloud nine. You knew it was God’s goodness. Don’t take it for granted, don’t get bored or allow it to become mundane. instead remember what God has done! Stir up the joy in your heart. Stir up praise. Thank Him for His faithfulness, and let your attitude of gratitude pave the way to live the life of blessing He has for you!

“Remember the wondrous works that he has done, His miracles, and the judgments He uttered.”

(Psalm 105:5, ESV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, right now I take time to remember and acknowledge Your goodness in my life. Father, I praise You because You are good. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for setting me free from spiritual boredom. Help me to always remember Your wondrous works and miracles. God, I thank You for pouring out Your blessings on me, and leading me into an exciting future, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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