
Repetition Deepens Impression

One of the first words my older granddaughter learned (way before giving me a name) was ‘more!’ Coupled with ‘again!’, these are key words in a toddler’s vocabulary. She is gradually learning the value of manners (‘more, please!‘), but this desire for repetition (often to the point of mind-numbing boredom on the adult’s part — how many ‘Wheels on the Bus‘ videos can there be?!) is a key factor in the the child’s learning armoury.

Notice in today’s verse, God’s people were commanded to go around continually saying, “let God be magnified. He takes pleasure in prospering me.” I believe one reason they were supposed to say it all the time, is so it would get down on the inside of their hearts, and stick in their minds.

There is an old saying that “repetition deepens impression.” When we hear something long enough, we start to believe as it sinks deep in our minds. It starts to affect the way we see things. I wonder what would happen if all through the day, we decided to stop dwelling on negative, defeated thoughts like, “I’ll never get out of debt. My business will never expand. How can I send my children to university, it’s so expensive?” And what if you started dwelling on thoughts like, “God takes pleasure in prospering me. Good breakthroughs are in my future and explosive blessings are coming my way?”

Today, let the truth of God’s Word sink down into your heart. All throughout the day, declare His goodness continually, praise Him at every opportunity, let the world know of His faithfulness. Declare His blessings, because He delights in seeing you prosper, and God inhabits your praise!

“Let them shout for joy and rejoice, who favour my vindication; and let them say continually, ‘The Lord be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.’”

(Psalm 35:27, NASB)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness. Father thank You for finding joy in seeing me succeed. Help me to see my life the way You see it, and I will praise and magnify You continually, for You are worthy to be praised and lifted up. God, help me to see and declare the breakthrough, blessings and victories You have for me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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