
How Can We Declare God’s Word Over Our Lives

It amazes me that we have so many weak, powerless Christians. Did you know that when you speak the Word of God, it activates power in your life? In fact, today’s verse says to not let it depart from your mouth. In other words, keep speaking and confessing the Word of God — no matter what your circumstances seem like.

When you keep God’s Word in your mind, heart and mouth, it empowers you to obey all that the Lord commands. Do you need strength today to overcome temptation? Do you need to be empowered to walk in love? Get the Word of God in your heart and declare what the Word of God says about your situation.

Today, declare God’s word and notice what will happen: you will have the keys to prosperity and success in every area of your life. As you continue to speak the Word of God, you will be empowered in every area of your life, and you will live the life of victory the Lord has promised!

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful.” 

(Joshua 1:8, AMP)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which gives me strength and activates power and prosperity. Father, fill me with Your power so that I can obey Your commands. God, I declare success in my life today based upon Your Word. God, I bless You today and always, in Christ’ name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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