
Don’t Get It Twisted – God Is My Sustainer

I was washing my hands thinking about life, I began to think that water is the great sustainer of life – we drink it, bathe in it and now we are being told it could save our lives by washing our hands. We are told most of our sources are generated by water. But don’t get it twisted, the greater sustainer and generator of life is God. He is your source of life. He wants you to abide in Him and rely on Him for everything. He wants to be your source for strength, provision, hope and joy. Like the air you breathe, He wants you to rely on Him for your very existence.

Remember, abiding in God begins by communing with Him, and meditating on His Word all day long. When you abide in Him, you talk to Him before you go to sleep at night. You think about Him when you first wake up. You dwell on His promises all throughout the day, and continually fellowship with Him in prayer. You make Him your number one priority and stay connected with other believers. Notice what this verse says will happen when you abide in Him–you will produce much fruit! He will be your water and sunlight in the midst of your darkness, so that you can produce gigantic fruit for His Kingdom!

Today, when you are connected to God, everything you set your hand to will be fruitful and blessed. Just like a branch thrives when it is connected to the vine, you will thrive and be prosperous when you abide in Him!

I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who abides in me while I abide in him produces much fruit…”

(John 15:5, ISV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, today I have decided to abide in You. Please be my source. Father, as I wash my hands more than ever before, and drink more water to survive and remain healthy, I won’t get it twisted, but remember, You are my sustainer and I totally depend on You. God, thank You for Your promise of blessing on me, and help me to always be a blessing to others at this time. God, I praise You today because You are my primary sustainer and generator of my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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