
Be A Person of Integrity

he definition of integrity is that you are dependable. You are a person of your word. You’re consistent and honest. Integrity is a powerful attribute in the life of the believer. 

You may be a pretty good person that does the right thing most of the time. But understand, it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine. You can veer off course just a little bit, and before you know it, you’re miles away from your destination. Don’t allow the little things to keep you from your destiny; choose integrity–even when no one is looking.

For instance, you might need some paper at home, but you shouldn’t take supplies from the office. Or, you might be running into a store for just a minute, but don’t park in the disabled parking spot unless you’re supposed to. If the checkout clerk makes a mistake and gives you too much money back, that’s not God’s provision, that’s a test of integrity!

Today, remember, if you’ll be faithful and choose integrity in the little things, God will make you ruler over much. Be a person of integrity and open the door for God’s blessings and honour all the days of your life!

“The Lord judges the people; judge me, O Lord, and do me justice according to my righteousness [my rightness, justice, and right standing with You] and according to the integrity that is in me.”

(Psalm 7:8, AMPC)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, today I commit to live a life of integrity. I choose a life of excellence, and ask for Your hand of favour. Show me any area that is not pleasing to You, so that I can continue to grow and increase in You, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

A special word from the Lord, from Pastor Ray Patrick

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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