
This Friday Doesn’t Feel Good

To the typical every day Christian, the Cross is a symbol of victory. But this Good Friday just like when Christ died, doesn’t feel good at all. We reflect on Jesus’ death on the cross, and think of the suffering He had to go through. Then we turn our attention to today, with thousands of our loved ones dying daily because of a deadly virus, this Friday doesn’t feel good, or like we are in a position of victory.

When we think about the cross and our current situation, it may look like evil has triumphed over goodness, the powerful over the powerless, but that’s not the truth. Jesus’ death on the cross was actually good overpowering evil. Jesus was triumphing. When He cried out, ‘it is finished’ (some translations say ‘it is completed’), He didn’t mean, ‘I’m finished, My cause is defeated.’ Far from being crushed, Jesus triumphed over the powers of darkness. Hallelujah! In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities, as well as all their evil antics. He shamed them publicly, physically and spiritually by His victory over them, and He changed how we could relate to God. No longer would we be bound by sin and shame; instead, He paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we could be right with God. Love triumphed over the law. The Bible says “and three days later the empty tomb proved Christ had won the victory over death”. 

Today, on this Good Friday, Christ’s victory over evil on the cross gives us hope that evil won’t win. Covid-19 will not determine the end of this world, or who will be in the resurrection. Whatever we’re facing, we know we can be victorious, because Christ was victorious. We’re overcomers because He has already overcome. Christ says, ‘in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world’ (NIV). Sin, shame, and struggles won’t overcome us, because He has already overcome them all. So, this Good Friday, let’s remember that the cross and death wasn’t the end — Jesus rose and because He did we can. 

‘In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world’

(John 16:33 NIV). 

Pray With Me
Yahweh, on this Good Friday give Your people Your peace, that we may shine brightly in this dark and evil world. Father, grant us the courage to live faithfully even in the midst of hard times. Let our fear of You be the beginning of wisdom, rather than allowing the fear of the world to drive our actions. God, help us to embrace our heavenly citizenship, and live confidently in the midst of a world that needs to know You. Show Your mercy and heal those who are suffering. Most of all God, come. Restore the world You have made and make all things new. God, on this Good Friday, please grant us your goodness. We pray that Your will would be done, in Christ’s most Holy Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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