
Trust God During The Delay

What a weekend. Lots of marching, lots of talking, and lots of emotion, and all these are all good. We cannot forget the spiritual element of fighting injustice. You may have been praying and standing on God’s Word for something and haven’t seen the results yet. The Bible has principles of what to do while waiting on the Lord, and how to make a God-given plan and develop faith as you wait.

Scripture says in John 11 verse 6, “When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days.” One translation says, “He sat down.” Now, that was the opposite response to what Lazarus’s family was looking for. “Jesus, don’t sit down when we need You the most.” In other words, “God, don’t sit down when I’m fighting racial injustice, when my finances are this low.” “Don’t sit down when my problems are big.” However in the end, God not only healed Lazarus, He raised him from the dead! Hallelujah! You will get frustrated and even angry, but when you deal with God’s way, based upon His Word and prayer, your breakthrough will come even if God has to raise the dead!

Today, your mind may be telling you it’s a waste of time, it’s too late, it’s never going to happen, things will never change. No, you’ve got to know at times there is a God-given reason for the delay. God is planning something greater. You’re thinking of a healing, He is thinking of a resurrection. You may be thinking how I can survive, but God is thinking how you can thrive. Remember, His ways are higher than your ways, and you can trust that He is going to amaze you with His goodness in every area of your life!

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

(Isaiah 55:9, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, today I choose to trust in You even when I can’t trace You. Father, I trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I release all of my cares and concerns to You, knowing that You have a greater plan in store for me. God, give me the strength to hang in there during the time of delay, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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