
Catch The Little Foxes

It’s been said, “tornados and hurricanes get more news coverage; but in reality, termites do more damage.” Most often, it’s not the big things that happen in life that keep us from being happy; it’s the small things. Most of the time, we’re not dealing with some major crisis like losing a job, a life-threatening illness, or a relationship breaking up. The big things are rare.  

That’s what today’s scripture is saying. It’s the little inconveniences – like not being able to find your car keys, or being in a hurry and getting behind a slow driver. It’s the little interruptions and frustrations that get our emotions worked up and cause us to lose our joy and peace.  

Today, take note, it’s the way we handle the little things that will determine what kind of life we live. When we allow negative thoughts of frustration to come in, we are allowing the little foxes to spoil the vines as the scripture says. Make the decision today to “catch” those foxes by choosing to think on the positive things. Let His Word bring light and life to your emotions, so you can move forward in peace and joy each and every day! 

“Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines…” (Song of Solomon 2:15, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I submit my mind, will and emotions to You. Father, I will focus on Your Word, and not allow the little foxes (the little things) to steal my joy and peace. God, keep me close to You and guide me through life’s frustration, and show me the way I should go, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

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