
Keep Adding Clean Water

Do you want to be changed? Meditate on God’s Word and His marvellous deeds and it will change you! It will begin to drive out old, negative thoughts and fill you with His strength and power. How does that happen? Imagine that you are holding a glass of dirty water in your hand. It’s full of all kinds of dirty particles. If you were to pour fresh, clean running water into that glass continually, and just let it overflow over and over, eventually all the dirty water would be gone. All you would have left is the pure, clean water. And, you wouldn’t have to really do anything to get rid of the dirty water, except allow the new, clean water to flow.

Today your mind is cleansed and renewed in the same way. By getting into the habit of pouring continuously the right thoughts–thoughts of faith, thoughts of victory, thoughts of praise–then before long, your mind is going to be transformed and renewed. You’re going to find yourself positive, hopeful, strong and courageous. You’ll see God’s hand of blessing and increase, and you will live the abundant, victorious life He has in store for you!

“Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; meditate on and talk of all His marvellous deeds, and devoutly praise them.” (Psalm 105:2, AMP)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I humbly submit my whole mind to You. Father, I choose to meditate on You and Your promises, so that You can cleanse and renew my mind. I commit to getting rid of my sinful dirty mind, by daily pouring in clean thoughts of faith, victory, praise, kindness and love. God, thank You for working in me, in Christ’ name! Amen.

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