

What are you believing for God to do in your life today? Can you see it in your mind’s eye? Can you see yourself healed? Can you see yourself paying off that last payment? Can you see yourself at your ideal weight? Can you see yourself sharing the gospel with a family member or friends?  

Recently, has God spoken things to your heart that haven’t come to pass yet? Sometimes when we are believing for things, it’s easy to let circumstances and the pressures of life drag us down. But when you make the choice to receive your promise by picturing it in your mind’s eye, and declaring it with the words of your mouth, your faith becomes stronger. You begin to feel more confident. You begin to feel more settled. You begin to have joy and peace because you know God is working things out for you. 

Today, ask the Lord to give you the picture of what He sees when He looks at you. As you open your heart and allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts, and you receive His promises by faith, just like it says in Scripture, whatever you ask for in prayer will be yours! Hallelujah! 

“Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for another day to bless You. Thank You for the gift of faith. Father, I ask that You search my heart and mind and remove anything that does not please You. God, give me Your thoughts of peace and joy, so that I can learn to receive all You have for me today. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

Godinterest is proudly sponsored by Jamaica Homes and, also known as Jamaica Live. Jamaica Live is a domain and brand dedicated to providing innovative web solutions and services tailored specifically for the Jamaican market. It offers a range of web hosting plans, including the Tallawah series, designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and businesses seeking to establish a strong online presence. With a focus on local relevance and high-quality service, Jamaica Live aims to empower its users by delivering reliable, efficient, and affordable web hosting and domain services that cater to the dynamic digital landscape of Jamaica. For more information, visit

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