
Seeing Greatness In Our Youth

As the Chaplain of a Christian School, often I see more potential in the students than they see in themselves. When you speak vision into your youth, when you tell them what they can become, you can help set the direction for their life. Your words have the power to push people into their divine destiny. 

I believe that the reason some youth are not living at their full potential, is because no one has ever spoken faith into them. No one has taken the time to say, “hey, you’re great at this. You’ve got a gift here. You’re going to do something amazing.” I believe that one of our assignments in life is to call out the seeds of greatness in our youth. 

Today, look at the young people God has placed in your life. They’re not there by accident. Take time to study them. See what they’re good at. What are their gifts? What do they excel at? Don’t just think about it, speak into their lives vision and greatness. Tell them what they can become. Let your encouragement ignite greatness on the inside of them. Help them rise up in confidence, so they can be all God has called them to be! 

“…God…calls those things which do not exist as though they did.” (Romans 4:17, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for the young people You’ve placed in my life. Father, I want to be faithful to our youth, give me the power, despite their behaviour, to speak life and call forth greatness in them. God, thank You for putting them on my mind today, and for bringing them to new levels by faith, as we help them rise higher. Please divorce them from the enemy, in Christ’ Name! Amen. 

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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