
An Overcomer In 2022

As you enter 2022 are you facing some challenges, or experiencing some unexpected setbacks that will go into the New Year with you? We all have things that come against us and remain with us for a length of time, but God didn’t create us to be overwhelmed, He created us to be overcomers! 

As we face challenges in the coming year, it’s our attitude that is most important. Think about it for a moment. When something isn’t going your way month after month, how do you respond? Are you tempted to get sour and start expecting the worst? Does your mind start going “crazy” playing out all the scenarios? It may be easy to get down and discouraged, but if we go around thinking it’s never going to work out, our attitude limits what God can do. But when we dig our heels in, knowing that God is bigger than our problems, when we fight the good fight of faith, that’s what allows God to show up and turn negative situations into positive ones.                                                                                                   

Today, remember, on the brink of a New Year, you are created to overcome. There is victory already in store for your future. So in 2022 no matter what the difficulty, stand strong with the attitude of an overcomer, and watch what God will do on your behalf! 

“For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for making me an overcomer now and in the coming year, in Christ’s Name. Father, I believe that You are bigger than my problems or any obstacle I will face in 2022. Thank You that You have my back and are working on my behalf. God, thank You for the victories and the challenges of 2021, I leave them behind and look forward, embracing the victories and challenges that will come my way in 2022. Help me to be rooted and grounded in You, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Godinterest is proudly sponsored by Jamaica Homes and, also known as Jamaica Live. Jamaica Live is a domain and brand dedicated to providing innovative web solutions and services tailored specifically for the Jamaican market. It offers a range of web hosting plans, including the Tallawah series, designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and businesses seeking to establish a strong online presence. With a focus on local relevance and high-quality service, Jamaica Live aims to empower its users by delivering reliable, efficient, and affordable web hosting and domain services that cater to the dynamic digital landscape of Jamaica. For more information, visit

By Godinterest

Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart, to save and empower lives.

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