
Ridiculous Laughter

Has God ever surprised you with the ridiculous? Has He promised you something that seems impossible? Have you ever thought that God is taking too long because there is no time left? You’re not alone Sarah was ninety years old when she became the mother of Isaac. When the Lord visited Abra­ham a year earlier and told him they would have a son she laughed. Sarah thought it was impossible—and perhaps even ridiculous. Shortly after that, she held her newborn son in her arms, understanding that, God had the last laugh. Now she laughed with Him not because the situation was surprising, funny or ridiculous, but because it was so wondrous. She even named her son child Isaac, which means “laughter.”

Today, are you waiting on God for the ridiculous? Is He taking too long? Abraham and Sarah’s long years of disappointment at not having a child and waiting on God to keep His promise ended in the joy of welcoming their beautiful baby boy. God had indeed brought laughter and hope, the beginning of the fulfilment of His promise to make them parents of a great nation. His faithfulness to them is one example of how God is faithful to us. God wants to birth laughter and joy in you right now to end sin, suffering and death.

Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” — Genesis 21:6

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for your promises. Father, please give me patients as I await answers and hold on to the ridiculous and the miraculous. Just like Sarah and Abraham, keep me laughing until my breakthrough comes. Today I celebrate the birth of joy and no more sin, suffering, Sorrow and death in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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