
Spiritual Hunger

During the lockdown, many were lonely, depressed, and going hungry in the natural world. What do you do when you’re hungry and just not sure when or what will satisfy you? You may try to think of what to eat, but maybe you’re not sure when you will get it. Spiritual hunger works the same way. You may feel restless or unsettled, but you can’t quite figure out what will satisfy you. You may try to fill that need with other things— addictions, people, or negative behavior, but only God can fill that spiritual void, and He can also supply your physical and emotional needs. Reach out to him today.

In today’s verse, we are told what will fill the hunger in our souls – God’s righteousness. When you hunger and thirst for righteousness, which is God’s way of doing good things, you will be spiritually satisfied. But just like you must take time to eat in the natural, you must take time to “eat” or partake of God’s righteousness. Doing right and feasting on His Word.

Today and every day, take time and devote it to the Lord in prayer. State your physical needs, spend time in worship and in studying His Word. Stay in fellowship with other believers by attending church regularly, staying amongst the righteous, and doing righteous acts. As you focus your hunger on God’s righteousness, you will be filled and live satisfied in him all the days of your life.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

(Matthew 5:6, NIV)

Let’s Pray: Yahweh, thank you for the promise to fill my hunger both physically and spiritually. Father, I open my heart to you and ask that you draw me by Your Spirit. God, I beg you to teach me to walk in your ways of righteousness and right doing, that I may honor you and be satisfied, physically, emotionally, and spiritually all the days of my life. I receive this by faith right now. I blesyouou always, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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