
Don’t Worry ?

With casualties going up in Ukraine, and the economy at its weakest ever, it’s easy to worry. What are you worrying about today?

Worrying means allowing something to revolve in your mind repeatedly until it stresses you out. God doesn’t want you to live worried or anxious about anything. He knows that worry steals your peace and joy. It affects every area of your life negatively. Have you heard the saying, “Don’t worry yourself sick?” That’s because worrying affects your physical and mental body. It even affects your sleep! 

The Bible says you won’t ever gain anything by worrying; in fact, you’ll lose precious moments that you can never get back again. The good news is that God has promised that you can have victory over worry. It starts by choosing to trust in Him. When you cast your cares on him, he will give you his peace, which will eradicate your worry. Hallelujah! 

Why not put an end to worry in your life. Choose to feed your faith and fill your mind with God’s promises of peace. As you focus on God’s Word and spend time in conversation with Him, He will drive out worry and fill your heart with faith and expectancy, and you will overcome in every area of your life! 

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:27, NIV 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, today I permit You to put an end to worry in my life. Father, I have decided to feed my faith by studying Your promises and declaring Your Word over my life. God, help me to trust in You today and every day, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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