

Suffering is a human reality. Christians are not exempt from the results of suffering. The Apostles suffered greatly and many of them died horrendous deaths. But it was all for God’s glory and a part of His divine plan for their lives. 

When trials come your way, unexpectedly, do you shake your fist, or do you trust God’s ways are higher than yours? Do you say to God, “Not my will, but Yours be done”? Do you trust that He will use that terrible trial for your good and for His glory? God will use all things to make us to the image of His Son and often in the life of the believer that may include pain and suffering. But In times of suffering, He gives us coping mechanisms pray for God’s mercy to come, cry out for His help and we will one day taste of victory. Hallelujah! 

Today, please remember there is a day that awaits every believer where all pain and suffering will cease. That is why we must keep our eyes fixed upon the hope of eternity and not on this life. And that is why faith in God is so important it is the rock on which we stand when trials come, and they will. We must remember the hope that God will never leave our side and walks with us through the valley experiences. We also have the ultimate hope of eternal life that awaits us in Christ. That is our anchor during hard times – the hope of eternity. 

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him” – James 1: 12 

Let’s Pray Yahweh, thank you for being with me in my suffering. Father, please help me find your mercy and goodness when trials come and not grumble and complain, Holy Spirit convict my heart and remind me to be thankful for your promises. That bring comfort and opportunities to help those around me who maybe suffering. God, in my suffering I look forward to heaven my home and there that crown of life that awaits me so today I stand firm in faith, trusting like you I will overcome this world. So, I won’t fear. I love you for not allowing me to be alone in my suffering. In Christ’ name, Amen

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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