
The Anxiety Hour

The media, negative people, and negative thinking can make us anxious. The evening news, I’m convinced, should no longer be called the evening news; they should call it “the anxiety hour.  

You see the tears. You see the evil. You see the injustice. You see the pain. You see the prognosis. You see no answers. Then you feel helpless. 

If you could do something to change anything, you would. But you feel unable. You convince yourself; that your loudest cry would be hollow and appeared uncared for, in this echo chamber called the world. 

There is an undercurrent of fear and tension under the surface in the news and social media. We feel like we want to turn away, pretend, run hide, shiver, and shake. God didn’t call us to dread, worry and anxiety? The news including social media may not be evil, but how we distrust God easily, as a result, could be. 

Today, if we fill our minds with the grim and negativity, it’s hard to keep our minds set on God. We can’t see if we are blinded by anger and negativity that boils over in our hearts because of social media and fake media. We get distracted and what emerges doesn’t look like love. It doesn’t look like Christ. 

Christ never called us to hone in on what’s wrong with everything like the news does, he called us to remember God is in control – of everything. This truth should defeat our anxiety. 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. (Phil 4:8) 

Let’s pray 

Yahweh, at times I am prone to worry. I let what’s happening in the world, the politics, economy and fake reports sit heavy on me. Father, I need to find your peace. I invite you to restructure my thinking. God please may my hope be you. May my peace be you. May you help positivity to flow out from me. Remove anxiety and give me clarity. God, thank you that you have the whole world in your hands. I believe in your plan. In Christ’s name Amen. 

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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