
A New You!

At this time of year with summer approaching, we are looking forward to new beginnings. Everyone loves to receive new things to truly appreciate something new you must say goodbye to some old things. When you become a believer in Jesus, you not only receive something new, but you can also become something new. His brand new creation! The old is gone, the new is here! Hallelujah!

The Bible calls this salvation – it also says we should work out our salvation. That means you must retrain your body and mind to act, think, speak, and live according to the new Spirit within you, instead of turning to the old habits you used to have. The good news is with total surrender God will do the retraining, renewing, and reforming.

Today, don’t get stuck believing the enemy’s lies thinking, “I’ll never change…that’s just the way I am, I can’t be made new.” No, the Word of God says that His Spirit helps us in our weakness. He gives us strength to overcome and begin again. He empowers us to live as more than conquerors. If there is something you want to change right now, remember, that you can be a new creation in Christ. It’s time to say goodbye to the old and embrace the new. You are empowered to overcome!

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for making me anew. Thank You for empowering me to live as an overcomer. Father, I give permission to retrain, renew and reform me, so that I can be new. God, I refuse to believe the lies of the enemy today. I trade in my old for Your new. I give this day to You and ask You to help me fully understand the plan You have for me. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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