
Speak Blessings

As we think about our purpose now and for the rest of the year, how we treat others and how we use our influence can bless or curse us, and the people around us. Have you thought about how the people in your life need your blessing? Especially our youth. Some need your approval. They need to hear you say, “I’m proud of you. You’re going to do great things.” That’s speaking blessings. That’s using your influence to bless. When you say to the people, “I’m so glad you’re in my life. You mean the world to me,” you just spoke blessings. 

When you tell one of your employees, co-workers, or a student, “you amaze me with your ability. You have such a bright future,” those are not just nice compliments. When you speak the blessing, you’re releasing God’s wisdom, protection, favour and maybe even abundance into their life. You can literally help shape their destiny. One word of encouragement, one word of approval can be what helps someone break, depression, addiction and other negative thoughts or behaviour, and help them take the next step to who God created them to be.

Today, choose to speak blessings and influences to those around you. Sow good seeds into the lives of people. Remember, what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. The Bible says whatsoever you sow you will reap. Sow blessings and reap blessings, and experience God’s favour all the days of your life! Hallelujah!

“The tongue has the power of life and death…” (Proverbs 18:21, NIV)

Let’s PrayYahweh, thank You for empowering me with Your love, grace, favour, and influence. Father, show me ways that I can be a blessing, and speak a blessing over the people I encounter in my life. God, use me for Your glory to bless and influence others to You, in everything I do, in Christ’s Name! Amen

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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