
Stuck in the Waiting Place

Waiting. I’ve never been a fan. But I find myself here again, in this waiting place. The place where I know God is sovereign. I know He holds my life in His hands. I know He is there. I know He cares. I know the very hairs on my head are numbered… as are my days. And yet there is a knot in my stomach and my eyes flicker to the phone. Again. And again. It does not ring. Not yet. Of course, not yet. But I watch anyway. I swallow. And remind me of all the things I already know. The bible says, “Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life?” 

Sometimes change is outside our control. Sometimes we’re not in charge. Sometimes we’re stuck, just like Abram and Sarai were in Haran. On their way to the promised land, the scripture says, “Terah took his son Abram… and his son Abram’s wife, Sarai…and arriving at Haran, they settled there.” Haran wasn’t the promised land. But because of Terah, they got stuck there anyway, and Sarai didn’t have the power to choose to continue the journey. God had to remove a barrier before she could move forward. In their case, Terah himself had to die. 

Today, if you’re stuck in the waiting place, our culture says, “Get out of that rut! Life’s too short. Stop the excuses. Do something.” You’ll be told to smile more, care less, be happy, and think good thoughts. If you’re in a waiting place, know you are not alone. God is right there with you. So, Trust while waiting. Pursue your faith while waiting. Serve others while waiting. Be watchful and expectant while waiting. Be grateful while waiting. There is Hope! 

But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. – Romans 8:25 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, can I be honest? I am tired of waiting. Waiting is hard, painful, and exhausting. Father, I know that learning to wait is beautiful, sanctifying, and hope-giving. So, help me wait well. Help me cling to you as I wait. Please God, let your peace rule in my heart. Help me live by your grace each day while waiting. And help me bring you glory as I wait expectantly. In Christ’s Name, Amen! 

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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