
We Need Caleb’s Faith 

When the Israelites first approached the borders of Canaan, Moses sent scouts into the Promised Land to assess the situation. Ten of the scouts came back with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. Two of the scouts focused on the promise from God that he would hand the land over to the Israelites. One of those scouts, Caleb, silenced the others when he said, 

“We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it”   

Caleb trusted God instead of trusting his fear. The opposite of fear is faith some say, the belief that Jesus is capable of handling anything we may face in life. But operating out of faith means we must rely on God, remaining dependent on him to see us through any issue. 

It brings us to a choice: Will we trust God, or will we trust our fears? And we reach that level of trust by knowing the Father and understanding His character through His word and we understand the Father by following Jesus.  

Today Your Greatest fears simply reveal places where you aren’t yet trusting God. Don’t stay stuck in your fear, and don’t receive condemnation for your lack of faith. Christ wants to move you past that into a place where your fears are replaced by faith. Follow him and learn to trust Him more. 

“We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” Numbers 13:30b 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I believe, but help with my unbelief! Help my head and my heart to believe in you and trust in you fully, without a doubt, knowing that in you all things are possible.  I pray for help to strengthen my faith in you. Father, I believe, but I don’t always believe in your power and might. I don’t always believe that in you all things are possible. I don’t always place my trust in you, instead trying to fix everything on my own. I don’t always turn to you first, instead turning to others and the world for answers. Lord at times I struggle to relate the scriptures to my own life. Lord, Lord, please strengthen my faith! In Christ’s name Amen. 

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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